Would you like to be a mentor for the 2018 Expo? This is the registration link:
The students enter the Expo in one of 16 Expo Categories - this can be found under the Information for Student tab.
What is asked of an Expo Mentor?
1) Initiate contact with your assigned Expo student
2) Mentoring is similar to a coaching model – you ask questions, offer feedback and help the student meet school and Expo deadlines.
3) The suggested time commitment is 4-6 hours from November to April (the Expo submission deadline)
4) If you could offer your student a visit to your lab, company or institution – this is a big hit for a high school student!
x FAQ’s: Teachers and students have registered – we currently have 310 students and 18 high school teachers from the greater Puget Sound.
2) The Expo runs from Oct – May, with mentor-student matching taking place in November and ending April 2018
3) The Expo submission deadline is Sunday April 22,2018
4) The Expo will be held on Friday May 18, 2018 at Shoreline Community College – save the date!
Many thanks, Janis
Janis Wignall
Bio Expo Manager
Northwest Association of Biomedical Research
2633 Eastlake Ave East, Suite 302
Seattle, WA 98102
206-683-7131 (cell)